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Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1119288589

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Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1119288589
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

728 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (January 18, 2018)
Publication Date: January 18, 2018
ISBN-13: 978-1119288589

An updated overview of the rapidly developing field of green techniques for organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry

Green chemistry remains a high priority in modern organic synthesis and pharmaceutical R&D, with important environmental and economic implications. This book presents comprehensive coverage of green chemistry techniques for organic and medicinal chemistry applications, summarizing the available new technologies, analyzing each technique’s features and green chemistry characteristics, and providing examples to demonstrate applications for green organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry.

The extensively revised edition of Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry includes 7 entirely new chapters on topics including green chemistry and innovation, green chemistry metrics, green chemistry and biological drugs, and the business case for green chemistry in the generic pharmaceutical industry. It is divided into 4 parts. The first part introduces readers to the concepts of green chemistry and green engineering, global environmental regulations, green analytical chemistry, green solvents, and green chemistry metrics. The other three sections cover green catalysis, green synthetic techniques, and green techniques and strategies in the pharmaceutical industry.

– Includes more than 30% new and updated material—plus seven brand new chapters
– Edited by highly regarded experts in the field (Berkeley Cue is one of the fathers of Green Chemistry in Pharma) with backgrounds in academia and industry
– Brings together a team of international authors from academia, industry, government agencies, and consultancies (including John Warner, one of the founders of the field of Green Chemistry)

Green Techniques for Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry, Second Edition is an essential resource on green chemistry technologies for academic researchers, R&D professionals, and students working in organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry.

About the Author

WEI ZHANG, PHD, is Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Green Chemistry at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He is known for research work in organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, and green chemistry. He received the 2015 International Fluorous Technology Award and is one of the top three most published authors in fluorous chemistry.

BERKELEY W. CUE, PHD, is President and Founder of BWC Pharma Consulting LLC, a consultancy specializing in pharmaceutical sciences and green chemistry, and Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

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