Becoming Utopian: The Culture and Politics of Radical Transformation – eBook PDF
A dream of a better world is an influential human force that inspires artists, activists, and citizens alike. In Becoming Utopian (PDF) author Tom Moylan – one of the pioneering scholars of modern utopian studies – studies the utopian process in its individual and collective trajectory from dream to realization. Drawing on theorists such as Donna Haraway, Fredric Jameson, and Alain Badiou, and science fiction writers like Kim Stanley Robinson and China Miéville, Becoming Utopian: The Culture and Politics of Radical Transformation develops its argument for sociopolitical action through studies that range from ecological activism, liberation theology, and radical pedagogy to the radical movements of 1968. Through the textbook, Moylan speaks to the urgent need to confront and change the global environmental, political, economic, and cultural crises of our time.
“This is the kind of ebook that utopian studies needs.” ― Pedagogy, Culture & Society
“Becoming Utopian is a mixture of engagements and concerns and completion of hermeneutic and political wagers, an important addition to the socially conscious and politically involved scholarship, and a contribution that may prove as lasting as Moylan’s two major works that preceded it. It is engaged, mature, and urgent at once, just as it is both deeply self-reflexive and passionately attuned to the difference inherent in utopian rupture. It is an always already classical work, for it is a work of authentic humanist sensibility that is poised to encourage and nurture scholarship for years to come.” ― Dr. Antonis Balasopoulos, University of Cyprus
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Becoming Utopian in PDF. No access codes are included.
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